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Stop Script block is never done

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2 replies [Last post]
anne mulhern

 So, I've got single-stepping mode enabled and it highlights the block it's on in a paleish sort of yellow.

It highlights a stop script block forever, or until I hit the stop sign. Doesn't the stop script block finish executing on its own?

anne mulhern


There's a further point --- if I turn single stepping off the stop script block stays pale yellow and even if I run the scripts not in single stepping mode, the color doesn't go away until I hit the stop sign.


Karen Brennan

Hi Anne,

I see what you mean. I tried experimenting with the "stop script" and "stop all scripts" blocks (see attached photos). I could imagine that the "stop script" needs to continue execute, so as to block that particular script/thread. But the "stop all scripts" can just stop all scripts/threads.

Just a guess...