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Scratch Curriculum Guide Pilot

« Curriculum Guide Draft
9 replies [Last post]
Karen Brennan

We are looking for educators who are interested in piloting our new curriculum guide this year. If you would like to participate, please read the pilot invitation to learn about the pilot and how to get involved.

Now that the guide draft is launched, we'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Please share any feedback you have about the guide by posting comments in this forum. We'd love to hear any reactions on what works, what doesn't work, and what it looks like in your classroom.

Karen, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team

Karen Brennan

We are pleased to announce that the 11 members of the initial cohort are:

Thanks to everyone who applied. If you were interested in participating, we look forward to finding other ways of working with you -- and we hope that you will still consider using the curriculum guide and give us feedback about your experiences via ScratchEd.



Susan Bardin

Saturday, Oct 15th is when we should hear.

Nathan Manderfeld

 I submitted an applicaiton to pilot the curriculum. When will we hear something?

Susan Bardin

Any news on the schools who are doing the pilot program?

Dan Treinis

This sounds terrific, thanks for creating...I will look over it ASAP and consider trying it out in the Spring as opposed to using the curriculum/activity that I've created over the past 3 years of teaching Scratch.



Celine Bordelon

 The curriculum guide is amazing! Very engaging and challenging lessons. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful resource and continuing to make Scratch an Open Source Program which is available to all students and schools. (especially because of recent budget cuts!)

Molly Eichar

 My grade 4-6 students love to work with Scratch, and I'm delighted to have this curriculum guide to help me develop their understanding of computers as well as their program design skills. My only sadness is that I am ineligible for the pilot project, as we live in a small town (Tahsis) on the west coast of Vancouver Island. 


I"m so happy that MIT and the Lifelong Kindergarten team are putting so much time and effort into developing Scratch. I worried for a while that it would fade away...

Laura Duggan

Thank you SO much for creating and sharing this. It looks great. I jumped right to the "bugs" to see how they were set up and they were terrific. Alas, I'm not teaching technology this year, but I look forward to using this in the future. My only feedback other than "great" ,  was  that I wonder if the students might benefit from two sessions of "5" (ie, 5 and 5A), and 8 (8 and 8a), in order to complete at least two projects, or, for some of the kids who need more time, to really get one done well. But I think that would depend on the age group, and skills. Otherwise, I like it alot. Thanks again. Laura d.

jones bueno

 Obrigado, espero poder levar a muitas escolas o conhecimento do scratch, pois é uma ferramenta maravilhosa!!!

 Muito obrigado por terem criado o Scratch.

