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Scratch Day event, how to do.... ?

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5 replies [Last post]
Fabio Albanese
my name's Fabio Albanese, I'm a CS teacher at Collegio Vescovile Pio X of Treviso (Italy)
We are planning to organize an event (workshop and exposition) on May 17th 2014 for the Scratch Day
I didn't understand how to join the Scratch day organizers database to register our school and our events.
Can anyone help me ?
Thank you.

Rory Phimister
 I just took another look at the scratch day site. It seems that this was updated overnight. If you go to the login page you will now see a tab to create a new account. 
Rory Phimister
 Just a quick note to others looking for information on this topic. I received this feedback from the Scratch Team to a direct inquiry:

"The MIT Scratch Team is in the process of updating the Scratch Day site for 2014. We'll post an announcement on ScratchEd when they've updated the Scratch Day site."


Rory Phimister
 I am also struggling with this question. I sent in a support request via the Scratch Day website but have yet to hear back so I'm bumping this thread in hopes of illiciting some help. 

Michelle Choi
Hi Fabio,

It's exciting to hear that you're planning to host a Scratch Day event! You can join the organizers mailing list and post your event on the Scratch Day website at

Michelle, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team

Fabio Albanese

Thank you Michelle,

please, let me know how to join the mailing list. I didn't found informations about it.

Thank you again
