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Teach the Web: Free and Open Online Course by Mozilla

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ScratchEd Team

Check out this free and open online course from Mozilla starting this Thursday, May 2!

Teach the Web

As part of our non-profit mission, Mozilla believes that web literacy—the understanding of how digital things work—is an essential life skill for the 21st century. We want to empower users of the web to become makers of the web.

So on May 2 we're kicking-off a 9-week open online course called Teach the Web, where we'll explore new ways of teaching digital literacies through making and learning together.

Get involved

The #teachtheweb course will run from May 2 - June 30. You can participate in weekly guided discussions, hack hands-on activities, develop and remix teaching resources, and compare notes with a global community of makers, mentors and educators.


Find more details or sign up and get started at

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via Twitter @mozteach or the G+ Webmaker community at

Vicki Gold

 thanks this is great stuff. I have time on my hands to volunteer so I signed up to help with Mozilla and django. What a great opportunity. 

 In addition, If anyone in the Scratch community needs volunteer work I am available so please contact me.


Vicki Gold