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Changing Classes

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Marcia Feltes
I have been using the Teacher account in Scratch for a while.  My problem is that I have students that have moved or have left my school.  I want to remove them from my class so that I just see current students.  I know that I can delete their account but I don't want to do that.  I know that many of these students continue to use Scratch on their own and if I delete their class, they will lose their prjects.  Any suggestions or work arounds?

Alexa Kutler
Hi Marica!

This is a great question. One thing you might recommend for students is that they get a new account on their own, and 'remix' the projects that they'd created previously so that they are able to save their projects before you delete them from the class. 

I'm sure there are many other ways to approach this...Have you shared this question in the Teaching with Scratch Facebook Group? We're slowly migrating discussions over to there, and I think you'll find a lot of great support from the educators in the group!

Alexa, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team