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Commercial use of Scratch developed projects?

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Tim Holt

First off I just discovered Scratch recently when I heard rumor of an iPad port of it (which would be brilliant).  Been playing around with it and see that it's a pretty powerful tool.

My question is, what are the opitons for actual commercialization of projects.  It has some interesting potential for just plain creating interactive educational applications.  By this I mean not distributing the project and Scratch, but rather just put the project itself (run only) online.

To do this I'd be looking at adding some extensions, such as being able to talk to an LMS so that student activites could be recorded for example.  Not a huge problem given the source is available.

I did go through the license notes but I wasn't sure how to interpret them RE: my question.

Mitch Resnick

I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Scratch.

It is fine to commercialize projects that you create with Scratch.

If you do so, we'd appreciate if you'd include an acknowledgement such as "This project was created using Scratch ("

Good luck, and keep us informed. We look forward to hearing more about it.

Mitch Resnick
MIT Scratch Team