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Extend Scratch with Custom Blocks (Bluetooth connection access)

« How do I...?
2 replies [Last post]
Guenter Oeller

Hi folks,
i would like to know if it's possible to add custom blocks coded via Squeak (Smalltalk) to Scratch 1.4 or the coming 2.0.

I'm a teacher for EDP and informatics and want to start learning programming with my pupils with scratch and an remote controlled model car (i-racer). Therefore i would like to extend an scratch project with blocks similiar to the motor-blocks for LEGO WeDo.

Or is there another way to send some custom bytes via Bluetooth from an Scratch-Programm to my I-Racer?

What I found so far:

Snap! (BYOB) -  but this seems not to provide the necessary flexibility to code the blocks with Smalltalk,  it rather provides a mechanism of organizing the existing blocks.

Panther - the CYOB function documentation looks like it's that what i'm looking for, but Panther seems quite quiet!? and the download page showed me an "403 Forbidden" message. Is this project stile maintained and where can i get it? 

Scratch 2.0 functions: looks more like BYOB - i could not find a possibility to add Smalltalk-Code to my custom blocks at the beta web site!

Anything good of these, for my purpose?

THX a lot in advance for your help! Regards Günter

Al Gifford

They did something for Microsoft Kinect, so an API or something must exist... I am not sure who you need to contact to get this info, but I will ask around....



Guenter Oeller

... and i could not post this question in Firefox: "Body is required!" IE didn't had this problem.