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Fil a project in a web page

« How do I...?
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Marisa Aimaro

I read how to fil a project in a web page, I download the file ,jar and the other one, I create e page html  and embed the code it works on my PC but it does'n wiork when I upload it on the remote server where is my website. How is wrong?

I'm working with my students, they are very proud of they project and woul show them on the school website. Can  someone help me? Thanks a lot.

( I won't publish these projects on scratch website because they are very small project, my students are 9 and are working with scratch only for 2 months!)

Karen Brennan
Member it's working on your local machine but not on the remote server. How does it not work on the remote server? Would it be possible to share a link to your website for debugging?

There have been times when I don't want to use the Scratch website and I want to host projects myself. But I think Rick has a good point. If you're worried about the students getting negative feedback, you can always (as Rick suggested) host the projects on Scratch with your own account, disable commenting and tagging, and then use the embed code.

Rick Ashby

The easiest solution is to use the Scratch website.  There is no reason not to post projects by young or novice users.  If you do not want your students to post individually, you could create a separate username for your class and post the projects for your students.  Then place the embed code from the Scratch site into your school site.