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How do I add student work to studios I created

« How do I...?
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Francesca Zammarano
I am a creative computing teacher and have 120 students per grade. I want to be abel to share student work with parents, and the world at large but I can't seem to add their projects to the studios I created. I used to be able to do this before Scratch 2.0 but now I can't. Please can someone give me a work around? I have all these projects noone is able to see right now... 
Thank you,
Francesca Zammarano
JS Creative Computing Teacher and Tech Integrator
United Nations International School
New York, NY
Hope Chafiian
Francesca -
 I think there are a few ways to add student games to your studio. One way I did it was to invite my students to be curators of the studio (I'm not sure this is really necessary).
Once in your studio, click on the curator tab, click on the invite button and add your students. They will then have access to your studio and can share easily that way.

I also checked off "Allow anyone to add projects".
Make sure your students know the exact studio name.

Email me off list if you need more help.
All my best,