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I don't understand why only run it once

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liu peng

when green flag clicked
repeat (10)
 set  [tiaosanX]  to  (250)
 forever if <(tiaosanX) > [-300]>
     change [tiaosanX] by <pick random(-3)to(-1) >

I 'd like to repeat  10 times

but I don't understand why only run it once 

Complete project is here :


and ,this can repeat  10 times,as follows:

when green flag clicked
repeat (10)
 set  [tiaosanX]  to  (250)
 repeat until <(tiaosanX) < [-300]>
     change [tiaosanX] by <pick random(-3)to(-1) >

Who can help me ?!

Stefano Federici

The internal loop

forever if <(tiaosanX) > [-300]>

cannot be repeated 10 times as this is an infinite loop (it will be repeated every time that tiaosanX is greater than -300) and it will just wait forever for the condition to be verified.

To leave the loop as soon as tiaosanX is smaller than -300 you have to replace it with a finite loop, that is a <repeat until> loop in which the condition is reversed:

repeat until <(tiaosanX) < [-300]>