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Merging different parts and levels of one game made by different users

« How do I...?
1 reply [Last post]
Susan Ettenheim
world... question... when . you remix, download and upload, it replaces the project in #Scratch -is there an easier way than using the backpack for the scripts and sprites when combining games made by different users?
Derek Breen
Just stopped by the ScatchEd site to grab the link to the Creative Computing Curriculum guide and spotted your question. The best solution I've found for this is to have students create a master game sprite where they drag all of their scripts, sprite costumes and backdrops into. Then this 1 sprite can be exported/imported to combine work of multiple students into 1 game. This doesn't work if each student is creating tons of content in their project, but works really well if parts of the game have been split between several students. To avoid confusion I would have them include their username (if not real name) in the master sprite name.

(this is likely my last post on ScratchEd as I'm going offline this week...happy to be posting in response to a dear friend!)