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Need help with Super Scratch Programming Adventure

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Ian Young
Hello, I recently signed up to scratch and bought the Nostarch book for my sons, ages 5 and 8. We've been able to do a few small projects with scratch, but nothing exciting and our drawing is horrible for making our own costumes, designs etc... We are not IT experts by any stretch of the word, just a pretty average home educating family looking for new learning experiences. We have downloaded the resources for the book several times but don't know how to get them into the scratch programme. I contacted No starch, who said they do not troubles shoot or apparently offer any customer assistance but to ask here. If any one could help we would certainly appreciate it. As it is we can't get past the basic cat walking around in scratch as the book I wasted £10 + on is of less use than ice maker at the north pole. Thank you for your time in reading this.
Tyler Ortman
 Hey Ian!

I'm sorry for all the trouble. I'm the editor of the book. 

Here's what I'd recommend--use the "Blank" versions of the projects. That way, you can focus on the programming, not adding files. 

Use "File > Open" (Scratch 1.4) or "File > Upload from your computer" (Scratch 2) to open a project file.

The games are the files named .SB or .SB2 depending on which version of Scratch you're using. Scratch can't open the ZIP files, they need to be unzipped first. 

Hope that helps--


For Scratch 2 (the one on the Web):

For Scratch version 1.4:

Download those, unzip the game files. Scratch can open the files once you unzip the file--they are in the "Blank" folder (2) or in "Super Scratch Games (No Programming)" (1.4).