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Scratch Educators we want YOUR feedback

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9 replies [Last post]
Robyn Bykofsky

Hi ScratchEd Folks,

We would greatly appreciate YOUR feedback on our new Scratch video tutorial web page.

This will be quick and easy

First visit the new web page


Then take the short survey


Thanks for participating!

The Scratch Video Tutorial Design Team

Ai Boon Tan

Hi. Just tried it. It works!! Bye.

Ai Boon

Robyn Bykofsky


Excellent! You think they would be ambivalent with the current survey?  It is anonymous  If so what kind of questions do you think they would answer?


Have you ever used Scratch?

Would you recommend this web site to new Scratch users?

Did you like the layout of the web page?

I basically want to get an idea of what the users think about the web page design and content wise.




Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Rick,

I took a quick of your tutorials and I think you do a wonderful job in instruction.  I really like how you have text on the screen for each step - it makes me think I should do that too.  I also like how give a quick voice oever narration about the next tutorial. One thing that I noticed is that when you showing steps without the narration subjective time seems to slow down a bit.  One suggestion I have is to maybe fast forward a little bit (if it is possible with the screen capturing software you are using).  Nice job!


Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Rick,

I would be happy to check out your videos.  I have a small favor to ask...

Would you be able to pass on the website and survey to those that are not part of ScratchEd.  It would be great if you can get students to take a look.





Rick Ashby

Sure thing, I just started working with a new group of 6th and 7th graders Monday.  Is there anything specific I can ask them about.  I can imagine them being fairly ambivalent to the question on your survery.


Rick Ashby

I've also put together a few tutorial videos that I'd love some feedback on.  I intend to add them to the resource list once I've put a final polish on them.  My thought is that they would be most useful in content classes that do not necessarily have time to teach programming concepts. 

Robyn Bykofsky

Hi Ai Boon Tan,

Sorry to hear this. Thank you for letting us know.  What kind of computer to do you have?  I want to figure out why it didn't work.  It would be great if you can try again.  We want to be able to work out all of the quarks.


Robyn of the Scratch Video Tutorial Design Team

Ai Boon Tan

Hi Robyn,

I am sorry I did not realise you had replied my comment.  Is there a way I can keep track of comments addressed to me? I always find it very difficult to check on replies.  I don't remember if I used the ASUS laptop or the old desktop to access your video. So sorry. Will try again and let you know if you still want to know.

Best regards,

Ai Boon


Ai Boon Tan

Hi there. I tried to get into your video but when I clicked the button, the screen went black and an error message appeared. Sorry, maybe another time.