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Student Accounts?

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Susan Newton

 I teach 7th grade so my students are 12 (some 13). I'm wondering what other teachers are doing for their students at this age--are they letting them set up an online account in the Scratch community? Are there any safeguards so that random people can't contact them privately? I'd like my students to be able to remix but I have reservations about letting them sign up for accounts. Thanks for any suggestions. 

Bruce Cichowlas

 What I do is so simple you could call it naive, but it has worked well for several years for my 2nd-6th graders.  We use each student's first name followed by a fake short last name similar to our school name.  So if you teach at George Washington Elementary School, your students could be BettyWash, RobertWash, etc.  I also compounded three simple but unrelated words to make a ten-character password that is easy to remember.  I encourage students not to change the password so that I can access their account if I need to, but I don't insist on that.


So far, there have not been any real problems doing that. especially with Scratch 2.0 . I suppose that students could hack one another's accounts and disrupt things in other ways, but it has not happened and I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  Meanwhile, life is easy doing this.


When we first started doing Scratch, some parents did express some concerns.  That was a bit tense, but I ended up making up a permission slip and giving each parent and child the option of opting out or just using special one-time accounts within the classroom.  However, at that point, all of the parents gave permission to do things as I had outlined and we've just gone on from there.


I think the really big factor that makes this work is the amount of thought and effort the Scratch team has done to make this a safe constructive environment for kids.  The recent additions to make sure credit is given for remixing projects is just one more step in that directions.  Kudos.






Karen Brennan

You might be interested in this earlier discussion. Also, there will be "teacher account" features available later this year (as described in the recent Scratch 2.0 webinar).