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4th Grade Math/Programming Curriculum

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Jeffrey Gordon
Hello, everyone.  I'm a 4th grade teacher in Alameda, CA, and I've been developing simple Scratch-built modelers that cooincide with the math we're learning.  The project consists of 30 math modelers, and the 4th grade students at my school build them every week.

I begin the lesson by demonstrating important elements of the build, then pass out the bulidsheets, and my students build the projects individually.  After students have successfully built a working version of the project, they work to customize it, making it their own.

My students' enthusiasm for programming is overwhelming.  They cheer when I announce a build is scheduled; they push through challenging work, so they can earn time to improve their projects.  It is, quite simply, the best thing that's ever happened to my teaching, and I'm eager to share these little modelers with anyone who'll take the time to look at them.  

The e-book is nearly done; I'm just doing the page layouts for the final few projects.  I will publish the books for free under a creative commons license, and I'd also like to produce a series of build screencasts, that are similar to the lessons I deliver to my students.  Anyone can access the e-book here:

This year's class has built the first four projects so far; here are some student examples:
Thousand Modeler: 
Multiple Thousands Modeler: 
Money Clicker: 
Digit Dotter: 

If you have any questions or comments, or you end up using these in your classroom, I'd love to hear from you.  

When I finish the ebook, I'll be adding it to the Resources section of ScratchEd.

Jeffrey Gordon
4th Grade Teacher
Ruby Bridges Elementary School
Alameda, CA 
Michelle Choi
Thanks for sharing your story and projects. Looking forward to seeing the ebook!

Jeffrey Gordon
It's mostly done, if you want to check it out now.  The link is in my post.