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Announcing Scratch Card Resources!

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Susan Ettenheim

 Hi everyone,

We are thrilled to invite you to join us at the new YouTube channel, ScratchCardResources. Inspired by the development of Scratch Resources, we started making our own Scratch Cards and invite you to join us and add to this very rich resource!

Here's what we wrote on the channel and we invite and welcome your feedback.

Scratch Cards Resources is a place to share custom made Scratch cards. Each project has a video that shows what is being taught and a link to the scratch card. We want to invite you to submit your card to this channel. Please email it to We will try it and we will post it for you. Click on the link below to get started on your scratch card. Please copy and paste this link into a new tab on your browser to make your Scratch card.

We wanted a way to share what each person learns in each project.

We wanted a way to see what a Scratch Card tutorial actually looks like animated in Scratch.

We wanted a way to figure out if students were able to explain and share what they were learning.

We want a way to learn from and share with the whole community!

Our idea is that everyone will use the same template (really well thought out by the MIT team on the original Scratch Cards), will make a screencast (we simply use Quicktime screencast) and will send it all to us. We will test them and make sure we can follow the instructions and help do any editing and then we will post them to the channel.

What do you think? I can't wait to get feedback!



Susan Ettenheim

 OHHHHH you know the students may not have made the documents public!! I must check that asap!! - I bet you mean for each card that goes with each video!!! They each checked but haha if they were logged in, of course it would have worked for them!!! We'll get that fixed asap too!

Susan Ettenheim

 YIKES!! We worked and worked on that and didn't go public until we were sure that we had fixed that problem! Can you please clear your cache and try the link called Scratch Card template because we very specifically made the document public!!

Karen Brennan

Hi Susan,

Thanks for sharing the link to this exciting resource. One question: it looks like the Google doc links under the videos require permission to be viewed. Are they intentionally not public?
