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A New Kid on the Blog

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James Wilson

 I have just launched a blog,, where I share the mathematics and programming techniques used in the projects I upload to Scratch (search popswilson).

I write a detailed paper for each project and distribute these as pdf files, announced on the blog, and avaialble on request by sending an email to I will not upload any project in the future without documentation.

The free-form environment offered by Scratch is a wonderful place to play and create. But there are those users that are interested in mathematics and in acquiring new programming skills. My blog is designed to offer interested  members of this group the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into mathematics and programming. 

Visit my blog and find out if it interests you. If so, visit often. Direct students to my blog. They might find an interesting topic or two to explore.

The decision to start a blog originated from a comment a user made about my Lindenmayer Systems project uploaded to Scratch. His comment was positive but also asked a question. How does that work? No math, science, or programmiing teacher can resist answering that question. So, trhe blog is my answer.

To learn is to be alive!


Alfia Wallace

 What an awesome blog! Sharing!