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New Version of Scratch & Kinect

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Stephen Howell

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the (unexpectedly) massive response to the last version of Kinect2Scratch!

As Microsoft have released their SDK to allow official development with the Kinect, I have updated the Kinect2Scratch program, and it is now much easier to install and use. However, it is Windows 7 only (MS restriction, not mine).

I was interviewed about Scratch & Kinect last week, here is the writeup and video:

I said there was a need for more Scratch evangelism!

I am looking for beta testers, so if you have a USB Kinect and Windows 7, please reply and I'll send you everything. My site is here: with contact details.

Update:  I am rather excited (and delighted) to be presenting a talk and workshop at the awesome Art && Code conference in Carnegie Mellon University October 21st – 23rd in Pittsburgh. My workshop will be on Scratch and Kinect hacking. Hope to see you there.

2C: Teaching Kids Programming with Scratch & Kinect


Stephen Howell

(Computer Science Lecturer, Institute of Technology Tallaght, Ireland)



Stephen Howell

Hi all,


A new version of my software which lets you program for the XBox Kinect with Scratch is now freely available on


You will also find some instructions and new sample Scratch files there as well.


This version is based on the MS Kinect Software Development Kit (SDK) so you must have a USB Kinect and Windows 7 to use the software.


I hope some of you can use the software and have fun with the Kinect.



