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Web tool to analyze your scratch projects and improve your programming skills

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Jesús Moreno

We have created a free web tool to automatically analyze Scratch projects that we have called Dr. Scratch. This tool will allow your students to improve their programming skills by identifying areas that they could explore further and by detecting possible issues in their programs .

On the one hand, by just uplading a Scratch project to Dr. Scratch, it will give you information about the development of Computational Thinking in terms of abstraction, logical thinking, synchronization, parallelization, flow control, user interactivity and data representation.

In the same vein, by uploading a Scratch project to Dr. Scratch, you will receive feedback that could help you to improve your programs, as the tool detects several issues like code that is never executed (dead code), repeated code, objetcs with default names or sprites attiributes, like position or size, that may be modified but not correctly initialized.

Dr. Scratch is free open source software, which is being developed by a team of teachers, developers and researchers at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain. We have plenty of ideas for keep on improving Dr. Scratch (like creating teachers accounts so educators can easily analyze their students projects), and we look enthusiastically forward to Scratchers’ comments, suggestions, and feedback, either here in the ScratchED forum, by email ( or by Twitter (@drscratchtool).

Dr. Scratch is available at

I hope you guys enjoy it!

Jesús Moreno (for the Dr. Scratch team)
Fabrizio Pivari
I think this is the new link
Urs Frischherz
I tried it out.  I cannot stop being amazed.
Thank you for this outstandig tool!

All the best,
Jesús Moreno
Hi Susan,

Yes, I remember you from the Scratch Conference, it's great to hear from you!
I have just randomly downloaded 3 projects from the Scratch website and I have analyzed them with Dr. Scratch without problems. The procedure is as follows:
- Visit
- Click on 'Choose file' and select the sb2 file.
- Click on 'Submit'
If you get a server error, please send me the file so I can manually check it. If nothing happens at all, it could be an issue with the browser or something similar. Perhaps it was a temporal error, but if it keeps on happening, could you please send me an email to with the information about the Operating System and Browser you guys are using at your classroom?

Thank you. Best,
Susan Ettenheim
Jesus! Thank you for your quick reply. I am so excited to use Dr. Scratch and think it is so needed and wonderful! I am so happy to hear this and that it is fine with sb2 files. I wll try again tomorrow with my students and be in touch. If it is an issue with our proxy, we will figure it out so that we can help other schools make use of this great idea!! Thank you again!
Susan Ettenheim
Hi Jesus,

We met at MIT over the summer and I was so impressed with Dr. Scratch! I had my whole class try it today and it is not working at all! Can you help us troubleshoot? 

We enter the .sb2 file and then nothing happens!

Thank you,
Susan Ettenheim