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Developing mathematical thinking with Scratch: an experiment with 6th grade students

« Researching Scratch
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Jesús Moreno

Last week at ECTEL 2015 we presented the paper Developing mathematical thinking with Scratch, where we summarized an experiment with 6th grade students from a Colombian school. Our results show that the inclusion of programming activities with Scratch in Maths lesson have a positive impact on learning outcomes of students.

You can find a copy of the paper here, and the slides with the main ideas are available here.

Jody Bowie
Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm in the early stages of a project about Maths Outcomes & Efficacy: Coding to Learn - specifically students who learn Scratch and how this affects their feelings and performance in Maths. I'm thinking 4th graders, primarily because here in the US we test maths in 4th grade. 

I'm anxious to read your paper and see what I can use for my literature review!
Jaziel Carballo Tadeo
Hi Jesús, It's a wondeful paper, I'm working in research about interdisciplinarity with scratch, your paper will help me.
