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Game Competition for Scratch

« Researching Scratch
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Luke Reynolds

Hello all,

I could use some advice.

I work for the Computer Science Student Network ( and I am preparing to host our first game competition for scratchers of all ages.  The way our competitions work is we provide a theme and deadline for students, they upload their game (or a link to their game) and once the contest is over, the students then evaluate each others' work.  Our evaluation process is detailed here if you'd like to learn more.


The following are the rubrics we plan to use.  As experienced teachers/users of Scratch, do you see any potential problems with these rubrics?


A. Theme (Does the game match the theme?)

5: The game matches the theme.

3: The game partly matches the theme.

1: The game does not align with the theme.


B. Story (Does the story cohere with the game?)

5: The story and game complement each other.

3: The story and game do not complement each other.

1: There is no story.


C. Aesthetics (Do the setting, colors, and lighting cohere with the game?)

5: The aesthetics are used to complement the feel of the game.

3: The aesthetics and game do not complement each other

1: The aesthetics take away from the game.


D. Mechanics (How well are events sequenced?)

5: Game play is smooth and events trigger with little or no trouble.

3: Game play is mostly smooth; some events trigger with poor response time.

1: Game play isn’t smooth and events trigger with poor response time.


E. Player Instruction (How well does the game direct the player?)

5: The goal and rules of the game are easy to learn.

3: The goal and rules of the game are mostly easy to learn.

1: The goal and rules of the game are not easy to learn.


F. Overall Experience (Is this a fun game?)

5: I would like to play this game again.

3: After some changes, I would play this game again.

1: I would not like to play this game again.



Karen Brennan

A little matchmaking -- someone else interested in competitions...