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Teaching young children to code.

« Researching Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
Gearoid Maguire
Hi all

I am a 3rd level mature student at Letterkenny Institute of Technology in Donegal, Ireland studying Applied Computing. I am very interested in early coding/programming for young children and believe that it can be beneficial to children on many levels.

I am working on a thesis (Does teaching young children to code benefit their education) as part of my technical writing module. I want to discuss in my thesis what exactly these positives/benefits are and if it is something that could eventually be introduced into the primary school curriculum but I need valid research to back up my argument.

Can anyone in here suggest or point me in the right direction of up to date viable research in this area I can use to highlight the value of introducing coding to young children.

I appreciate your time and input into this thread.

Michelle Choi
Hi Gearoid,

You might be interested in checking out the work of Amanda Wilson, who has done evaluations of Scratch with young children.

Gearoid Maguire
 Hi Michelle

Thanks for taking the time to help me, yes Amanda's work will help me out.
