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Any Scratch educators in NYC area?

« Scratch Educator Meetups
15 replies [Last post]
Kelly Vaughan

 If so, are there meetups? Should we organize one?

Jack Ng

I've planned a meet-up for Monday March 3rd. 7pm at PS 58 in Brooklyn.  We will discuss Scratch as well as other options. I'm hoping to make this a regular meet-up for the Brooklyn area around CB6 but would love to explore sharing ideas and resources with all.

Unfortunately space is limited to 20-30 people so if you're interested in attending let me know.


Seth Guttenplan
Darn. I will be out of town then. Let me know when the next one is!
Jack Ng
FYI  :

Inaugural NYC Scratch Educator Meetup
WhenSat Mar 15, 2014 10am – 2pm (EDT)
WhereCenter for Social Innovation (601 West 26th Street, Suite 325, New York, NY)

register at
Seth Guttenplan
 Hi everyone,

I am a teacher in NJ but live in NYC. I would love to learn how to do and teach Scratch. Let me know if there are any meetups happening in the area. Thanks!
Jack Ng

Hi Jonathan,

I've been planning to set-up a regular meeting but I was having trouble finding a permanent meeting space. However,  I was speaking to one of the principals at PS 58 and she said she would be able to arrange a permit for that. So I'm working on getting that set-up now. 

In the meantime, I would totally be up for meeting this week-end...just pick a time. If you can't find a space we could just pick a place. Somewhere else.


Jonathan Lurie
 I'm a former alumnus of Teach for America (an organization I have mixed feelings for now) but I know they have swanky meeting rooms on the westside of midtown). They have Internet and everything coporate style. As an alumn I think they'll let me use the space (I also voluntered for them a bunch and know some folks in the office).

It's a very central location I'd be happy to inquire about whether they'd let us in a conference room and I'm aiming for either Saturday or Sunday. 

Whoever wants to come is welcome. If you can't make it but still want to be part of the discussion we can skype of use some of the other ridiculously usefull technology which many of our computer labs and classrooms lack the capacity to take full advantage. 

What does everyone think?
Jonathan Lurie
 also found this link to a "Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth" online course to teach elementary or middle school students programming though scratch. It looks like they make ppl sign up and pay for it buy maybe they have a philonthropic side and are willing to share for the public good (crosses fingers)

Jack Ng

I would definitely be interested in meeting up. I would actually like to start a meet up group for NYC so perhaps we can discuss the logistics of that when we meet. Brooklyn or Manhattan is fine by me. Something central would be nice.

Stephen Forker
Hello All!  I'm an educator on Long Island (who lives in Brooklyn) interested in starting a computer science/coding program in our district.  I would love for Scratch to be a part of that program, and I'd love to join your group. 

Please keep me posted if there are going to be any meetings.

Jonathan Lurie
 I taught a scratch afterschool proram at C.S. 211 in the Bronx. We go from pre-k to 8 (i'm mostly a math teacher so I look for is to intersect the comp sci and the math for the benefit of both). This year I'm teaching to 2nd and 5th grade but I expect next year I'll be back with my 12:1:1 class, which I had last year and they were 6th graders who always came to school early so they could get some extra time on scratch.

I would LOVE to meetup or online meetup and with all these new standards and tests and such, we really have an opportunity to find those places where we can align scratch lessons to the CCLS (although I'm not wild on that whole concept...but that's another story...)

This is my 7th year teaching and I've rarely seen my struggling students get so into problem solving while expressing their creative side, no matter the grade level. 

Jonathan Lurie
 also, has anyone met up yet? I would be willing to make the trek to Brooklyn. Does Friday the 10th work for anyone? Maybe a Manhattan destination?
Jack Ng
Hi Kelly,

I'm in Brooklyn as well. I am not an educator but I am a programmer with an interest in sharing and developing ideas for coding curriculums in our school system. If you or anyone else who has responded would like to meet over coffee to discuss ideas and perhaps work on starting a regular meet-up group that would be great.
Please contact me at your convenience.
Richard Klein

I'm also located in Brooklyn and currently designing an afterschool Scratch program for my child's elementary school.

Kelly Vaughan

I'm in Brooklyn, too. I teach middle & high school, but I'm sure we can share ideas.

Anyone else?! I'm happy to do coffee sometime if it's just two of us, but if we have a few more, we can do a proper meet-up!

Deb Ashman

 Hi Kelly,


I just started teaching scratch for elementry (possibly middle soon) in Brooklyn I would be very interested in a meet up.