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Any Scratch People in Texas?? - Possible meetups

« Scratch Educator Meetups
2 replies [Last post]
Louis Fleming

I was curious if there would be interest in a Texas Scratch Educators Meetup .

I know a lot of teachers in Texas attend the Texas Computer Educators Assocation convention every spring in Austin. There have been a few presentations on Scratch but with 7000+ teachers attending - it would be an ideal spot to gather.

I am even open to hosting a get together at my campus - I am about 40 miles from a major airport and about 40 from major interstate.

I would love to watch others present - but I am also an experienced presenter and hope to learn as well as share.

So how about it Texas ........You ready to Scratch?

Louis Fleming

 Would be happy to share my 5+ years experiene with Scratch. My experiene is at the secondary level but this software is usesul from K-12 and beyond.


Between teaching new classes and getting a daughter married off - I am running ragged - but you can always message me here and it will reach me.



Liliana Arnillas

 Hello Louis, I'm in Houston. I have not used Scratch yet. I'm actually reading and looking at what educators have been doing with Scratch to see if we (Houston ISD) can use Scratch, and how. Right now it looks like individual (early adopters) teachers take the initiative, but I have not seen entire schools, or school districts incorporating it in a curricular sense. Would be interested in meeting or talking.

