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Looking for Co-Hosts of Scratch Day in Bangalore, India!

« Scratch Educator Meetups
2 replies [Last post]
Ragini Lall
Hi everyone! I work at an education & technology not-for-profit called QUEST Alliance. We work to bridge the education and skills divide by enabling self-learning for young people aged 10-35 years.  We engage with educators, civil society, government institutions and corporate organisations to demonstrate and enable scalable and replicable solutions in school education and vocational training.

We have just recently concluded a program where we worked with over 300 students in 2 government school on introducing them to coding & creative computing using scratch.

We are organising a scratch day educator meetup for the May 14th in Bangalore, India and looking for people who would like to co-host it with us! Are you in interested? please email me at 

You could also Sign up if you wish to just attend.
Riya Banik
Hi Ragani, I know its too last to respond but I work with kids in Pathankot and I am in the process of setting up a curriculm for them. I would love to hear more about your work with Government schools. Please suggest what is the best way to connect with you?
Riya Banik
I am available at
Riya Banik
Hi Ragani, I know its too last to respond but I work with kids in Pathankot and I am in the process of setting up a curriculm for them. I would love to hear more about your work with Government schools. Please suggest what is the best way to connect with you?
Riya Banik
I am available at