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ScratchEd Meetups Go Global

« Scratch Educator Meetups
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ScratchEd Team
The new school year is underway, and ScratchEd meetups are kicking into gear as well!

What are ScratchEd meetups? Participatory professional learning experiences for teachers who want to learn more about teaching with Scratch. They include time for networking and scheduling, exploring and learning, and sharing and reflecting.

Pictures from the Boston ScratchEd Meetup, hosted at the Harvard EdPortal this past weekend.

Some cities, including New York, Boston, and Lexington, Kentucky, have hosted meetups already this month, and others have upcoming events on the schedule. Scratch educator meetups are expanding overseas as well, with Moscow holding its first event over the summer and Amsterdam preparing to host its second event this week.
If you or a friend live in any of the cities below, check out the links to learn more:
Amsterdam – September 22, 2016
Boston – October 15, 2016
New York City – October 20, 2016
The Los Angeles Scratch Educators meetup group will be attending a Makers Educator Evening hosted by InTELA on September 22, 2016
Interested in hosting a meetup in your city? Visit the ScratchEd Meetups Network for more information and access to the Scratch Educator Meetup Guide, which provides key tips for designing a successful event.
Wilhelmina Peragine
Hi Yu-Hsien,

That's wonderful! Please feel free to use the text from the PDF. I can also email you the InDesign file, if that's useful.

Yu-Hsien Fang
Hi Willa, 

That's great!
Please email us the InDesign file via
Thank you so much

We will let you know when we finish the translation and send ScratchED team the CHT file.

Wilhelmina Peragine
Sounds good! I'll send it your way.

We're very excited about the translation.

Yu-Hsien Fang
Hi ScratchEd Team,

This is YH from Scratch-TW group. We are a voluntary group in Taiwan focusing on tranlating Scratch teaching/learning materials into Traditional Chinese. We curate many translated materials on Scratch-TW ( for public access.

We are interested in translating Scratch Educator Meetup Guide into TC.
In Taiwan, many teachers are using Scratch to organize computational courses. We believe it will be a great help for us to use the Meetup Guide to facilitae both fun and structured meetings in Taiwan.

Is it possible for us to download the editable version of Meetup Guide? 

Please let us know what we can do to join this worldwide movement.
Thank you.