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« Scratch Educator Meetups
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Anne Carlill
Are there any Scratch Educator meet ups in the UK?
Raed Yacoub
Hello UK Scratch educators,

Please accept this invitation to fill a short survey about your experience using or teaching Scratch. This survey is part of a PhD research conducted at the Faculty of Education and Health at the University of Greenwich in London. The purpose of this research is to examine and discover how Scratch may be helpful in supporting English for speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners and programmes, and help ESOL students achieve higher levels of literacies. It should take around 5-7 minutes to complete this survey. Thank you for your contribution, your opinion is very important for us. Please click on the following link to start the survey:
If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it in in Google Forms. 
Kind regards,

Raed Yacoub
PhD Candidate / Research Fellow
Faculty of Education and Health, University of Greenwich
Avery Hill Campus, London SE9 2PQ
Dave Gibbs
Hi Anne,

I wonder if it's worth getting a York / N Yorks meetup together? I'm based at the National STEM Centre, University of York, and could probably host.

Anne Carlill
Hi Dave,

That's a great idea!  We need to decide what the aim of the meet-up should be.  Also, the Y & H Code Club coordinator Linda Broughton (@lindabroughton on Twitter) should be able to help as she'll have a list of CC volunteers and prospective volunteers who may want to come.  We had a York Code Club meeting last Thursday at Manor High School which was useful but was mainly about getting more CC volunteers.
I love using Scratch with our CC at Bishopthorpe Primary but, sometimes, am not sure what direction to take next with the pupils and Scratch - so I need some collaboration with others to get good ideas. Could we use something like Doodle (possible attendees put their preferred dates & times into a calendar) to decide on a slot? I say this, because I find so often that I'm committed to something else on the date and time chosen, and I've also found using Doodle a great way to get people to definitely commit.
About an aim.  Some hands-on use of Scratch, perhaps beyond what most of us are doing at present, would be great as I know the N STEM Ctre has suitable facilities. I loving coming there so I try to book myself a resource day as often as I can and attended a really good Raspberry Jam in the Autumn.

Anyway, I think the idea is great and a lot easier than getting to MIT or Amsterdam!

Thanks, Anne                                   Twitter @quietannie1
Brian McCarthy
Hi everyone. Here in Dublin there's  lots of activity around Scratch. The Bridge21 education projects are well underway under the auspices of Trinity College. This coming week sees teachers gathering at Bridge21to further learn skills on Scratch.

If you set up a group in London or Manchester keep it advertised as I can come over being a Mancunian.  Amsterdam looks interesting. It is in my calendar already
Anne Carlill
Hi Brian,

Well maybe Manchester is a good idea after all.  It's certainly easier for me to get to, than London, from Yorkshire.  I'll ask Code Club if we could use their regional office in Manchester but I won't be organising anything for a bit because I've got an Open Univ assignment to get in.  We'd have to decide what the aim of the meeting would be, because we wouldn't want you coming all the way from Dublin for nowt much!  Will post again when I've made some headway.
Anne Carlill
Hi Michelle,

Thanks very much. I volunteer for an organisation called Code Club  @CodeClub with headquarters in London. Maybe we could organise something for the UK.  I live and work in the north of the UK which is not ideal for other Scratch users.

Thanks for the heads up about Amsterdam. I might just make it there!

Best wishes,

Michelle Choi
Hi Anne,

Not yet, but the ScratchEd Team has just released a Scratch educator meetup guide for anyone interested in organizing a local meetup. Perhaps you might be interested in hosting one in the UK?

If you'd like to get together with other Scratch educators and are interested in a little travel this summer, you might want to look into out the 2015 Scratch conference, organized by European educators and being held in Amsterdam this August.

Michelle, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team