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Could you let me know some schools using Scratch in a class?

« Teaching with Scratch
15 replies [Last post]
Ee Sol

Hello. I am Korean university student.

I am working on a project called "LG Global Challenger."

This program is expedition program for university students supported by LG(one of the biggest company in Korea). Students freely choose the expedition theme and country, and visit  'world's excellent sites'. Since its first introduction in 1995, it became the major overseas expedition program most popular among university students with the competitive rate of 20:1 every year.


And I am preparing for this with a teme realted to Educational Pragramming Language. and we need to make a report about our expedition plan. There are 4 memebers in my team. and i am wondering if you can let me know some schools having a Scratch Program. If our report are accepted, we would like to visit the places and get more information about adapting Educational Programming Language in Korea education system. Please let me know if your schools are using Scratch as a study tool and if it's possible to visit the place.

Thank you for your help ^^

Craig Whitmore

I've been teaching a computer programming elective at Norris Middle School in Bakersfield, CA using Scratch for one quarter (10 weeks) for the past few years.  The students range from 5-8th grade.

Carl Bogardus

Just finished Scratch 9 week unit with 7th/8th graders, (12-15age).

Carol DeNardo

We are using Scratch in classes of 3rd - 5th graders and have just started a Scratch Math Lab with 6th graders.

We are in Culver City, CA 90232



Ee Sol

Thank you for your replying.

Could you tell me what your school name is?

and i am also wondering if it is possible to visit your school in August.


Please let me know if it is possible. but i am really hope that it could be possible..^^

Sincerely, Sol

Nancy Costa

I have used Scratch with 4th and 5th grade students. It is my favorite software program and best of all, its free!

Here is a link to a Teachnet grant lesson plan I received, My students selected an Aesop's fable to animate.

Absolutely a wonderful project for young students and really just about anyone!


Karen Randall

Oh ho!  I am glad to see your link, because I start a "Once upon a time with Scratch" elective class next week, animated story telling just like this.  We will have fun looking at your students' projects as examples before starting.

Would you be willing to add your rubrics to the resources collection?  There was a discussion a bit ago about assessing Scratch projects. These would be a nice addition.

Nancy Costa

Hi Karen

Just got back to this discussion as I've been a bit tied up lately.  Absolutely no problem with adding my rubrics to the resources collection. I'll look into how to do that today.  Hope your class is going well. I am curently  teaching a Scratch afterschool program for a group of 5th graders and we'll be starting animated stories next week.

As expected, the kids are loving it.


Karen Randall

Our school uses Scratch in some math and technology classes.  It is not currently a whole-school adoption.  We are in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.  There are other schools in our area that also use Scratch.


Karen Randall

Ee Sol

Thanks for your comment. I am wondering if we can visit your school. Actually, it was not confirmed that we are going(because our report need to be accepted by LG company), but i want to get a permission from you.

and we also discovered Science Museum in Minnesota while we were finding facilities using Scratch. and i saw in your profile that you are involved in Science Museum. and i am also wondering if we can get a permission about going to Science Museum.

I am sorry that our report is not accepted, so it's not certain if we can visit your facilities. but please let me know if it could be possible if our reported is accepted.


Thank you again for your cooperation.

Sincerely, Sol

Karen Randall

Visiting our school (called EXPO Elementary) is possible, but if your project is in August might not be helpful.  Our school starts up for the year on September 8, and the math classes that work with Scratch don't do this right away.  I can help you with visits to the museum.  August is a good time for them, because they run week-long summer camps around Scratch and other software all month.  You can contact me directly by clicking on my member profile.

Ee Sol

Thanks for your replying. i am so glad to hear that. and thank you for your help.

I'm sorry because i can't confirm about visiting, because i need your permission writing report that i need to hand in to LG, but i don't know if it could be accepted or not. but we need to make a list of some facilities that we could visit. that's why i need your permission, but i can't confirm the dates or visiting.

i am so sorry for that, but i am really appreciating for that^^

Ee Sol

 Thank you for your replying.

Then, your schools are located in Scotland, Europe? 

Amanda Ford



I've been using Scratch in  two primary schools as part of my honours project.  However now that my time in the classroom is over the teacher s have said that they will be continuing with Scratch in their class for furture teaching of programming.   Both schools are in Glasgow Scotland.



Ee Sol

 Thank you for your replying.

Then, your schools are located in Scotland, Europe? 

Amanda Ford

Hello yes they are sorry for taking so long to get back school holidays

