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CrazyTalk type animation using Scratch

« Teaching with Scratch
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Simon Walters

If anyone has used CrazyTalk animations, you'll know how much fun pupils can get from making videos using it.

I have come up with a simple method of simulating this using Scratch by simply taking a character and making a copy of it and then erasing parts of the copy to just leave the mouth.

The pupils can then record a narration (or import an Audacity recording that has been altered to change ptich and/or speed) and then play the narration followed by a simple loop to change the fisheye effect of the mouth.

It does not give the full effect that you get using CrazyTalk but its not a bad substitution for free and is very easy for pupils to achieve once they've learnt the basics of Scratch.

Here is a link to an example made by a pupil

and here is a modified version with the same effect added to the eyes




Karen Brennan

I love that effect. I wouldn't have thought to use the fisheye effect on the cutout of the mouth!

Thanks for sharing your approach...