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Global Collaboration Project- How to!

« Teaching with Scratch
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Alexis Cobo
Hi All!

I posted in the Teaching with Scratch Facebook group that I was interested in collaborating with educators from around the world to help teach my students how to work collaboratively on a Scratch project while gaining a better understanding of global digital learning. I am excited that two different people have reached out so far beyond the post and we are working together to create projects for our students! My questions are as follow:

1. Using teacher accounts, how can I invite students from another class to follow my students' studio? Do they simply follow my students by having the list of the usernames? I'm looking for the simplest logistical plan as this will take place for hopefully 2nd-5th-grade students. 

2.  Since projects are not yet collaborative in the live format, am I correct that one student must initiate the project and then the other would remix and edit that project? And then continue this procedure? 

Any tips/experience welcome or if anyone would like to participate, email me: 

Thank you! 
Alexa Kutler
Hi Alexis!
Here is what the folks on the Scratch Team have to say about these great questions— 

1) You are able to invite anyone you would like to curate your class studios. This includes previously existing Scratch accounts and students in other classes.

2) Using the remix feature is a great way to have students collaborate on projects. You can also make use of the backpack tool, which would allow students to pull things created by one person (such as a sprite, script, sound, etc) to use within their own projects or collaborative projects.

I hope this is helpful!!
