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Grouping Limbs on a Character for animation?????

« Teaching with Scratch
1 reply [Last post]
Susan Ettenheim
HELP?? One of my students, frustrated with making costumes decided to make the different limbs, different sprites and now wants to "group" them. Have you tried this? What suggestions do you have??
Christan Balch
Hi there,

I'm not sure I fully understand your question - though I can say there is no Scratch feature that would allow you to "group" sprites like you would do with costumes. I'm sure there are ways of doing this programmatically in Scratch though. And luckily, there are lots of friendly Scratchers who would be happy to help! :)

You can ask general questions about how to do stuff in the Questions about Scratch discussion forum:

Since you need help with a specific project, I would suggest posting in the Help with Scripts discussion forum:

It's a good idea to share the project (even though it doesn't work the way your student wants it to yet). Then go to the "Help with Scripts" forum and click "Post New Topic." Write out your question and paste the link to the project. This way Scratchers can check out your scripts, and suggest ways to solve your problem.

I hope this helps!