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Help Wanted: Scratch Instructor to teach grades 2-7

« Teaching with Scratch
3 replies [Last post]
Yin Chang

We are a non profit organization interested inhiring a contract instructor to teach Scratch for elementary students either Fridays after schools or Saturdays.  Responsibilities would include designing a curriculum and leading the program.  Experience with scratch is required and you must be a certified teacher (not necessarily teaching at the moment, but the certification must be in good standing. Time commitment and schedule is flexible.  

We're seeking an instructor for Fall 2013 

If interested, please email Yin Chang, President, Glen Ridge First.


Michelle Choi

Hi Yin,

Have you gotten any responses yet for the position? If not, I'd be happy to promote it more on the ScratchEd Twitter and Facebook feeds.

Michelle, on behalf of the ScratchEd team



Yin Chang

 Michelle: Unfortunately, we have not received any responses for this position. If it helps to clarify, we are seeking a certified teacher to do a Scratch class or two this Fall/Winter 2013-2014 acaedemic year on Saturdays in Glen Ridge, NJ. Any help you can lend would be appreciated.



Michelle Choi

Hi Yin,

That's for the info. I posted a note about the position in our ScratchEd Weekly Roundup last week - I hope that helps. Let me know how things work out!