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Introductory Activity with Unplugged and Scratch

« Teaching with Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
Nur Hasheena Anuar
Hi there!

First of all, I would like to say I'm really grateful to be part of ScratchEd community.

Currently, I'm doing my research Master study in Borneo Malaysia. My area of interest is in Learning Sciences and Educational Technology. I'm planning to conduct a Scratch workshop for rural kids (Primary 3, 4 & 5) as part of my research study. However, the primary school students in Malaysia are currently having school holidays. I would like to share it here so that everyone can try out the activities in school. The activities include unplugged coding game and introductory activity for Scratch programming. Please feel free to try out the activities below. Do let me know your feedback on the activities planned and how it goes in your school.

Activities to be conducted:
Session 1: Unplugged coding game
Unplugged game manual:
Unplugged game material:
Objective: Student will learn how to code a set of instruction using paper based coding.

Session 2: Intrductory Activities
Introductory activities_manual:
Introductory Ac_1:
Introductory Ac_2:
Introductory Ac_3:
Objective: Student will make connection between unplugged coding and scratch programming.

Scratch on!

Alexa Kutler
Hi Sheena!
Thanks so much for sharing this. I'd recommend that you also share it with the Teaching with Scratch Facebook Group— I think you'll get a lot of great feedback from folks in that group, which is essentially an extension of the discussion boards :). 

Nur Hasheena Anuar
Hi Alexa!

You're welcome. And thanks for the info. I will definitely share it with the group.
