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Introductory Scratch-based curriculum for elementary-aged children recommendations?

« Teaching with Scratch
4 replies [Last post]
Frank Sienkiewicz



I am looking for advice and feedback, let alone knowledge of, an introductory Scratch-based curriculum for

elementary-aged children. Settings to implement would be

out-of-school & after-school elective and home schooling environments.

Does anyone have a recommendation(s)?


I appear to see more focus on middle- and high-school focused currciula,

where as the younger ages are more exploratory, experienced focused.

Activity-based explorations are great and I am trying those,

but would love to see some foundational basics built upon through

their exploration activities, apprioriate for the younger ages.


Do you have any favorite experiences or recommendations for

this age group? Maybe a check list or itemized goals the educator/instructor sets

for each exploration, to build the individual's tool set to tackle the more

complicated activities/explorations/projects?


Thank you for your advice and feedback!


susan evans

 Hi Frank,

I recently put together a curriculum designed for 3rd - 6th graders. It focuses on health & fitness but you may be able to pull out some main ideas for your own classroom.

Tyson Spraul

 Do you happen to have the file posted anywhere?

Kent Chesnut


Sorry to double-post, but I just ran across this discussion:

Although the question is about pre-school, at least one of the commenters was talking about working with 1st - 6th graders.

Have a great day,


Kent Chesnut


It's not really a curriculum... but I just printed a few sets of the Scratch Cards (, cut them out, and made them into cards.  I spread them on a table in the middle of the classroom.  After a quick intro to Scratch using a video (sorry, I can't find a link to the one I used), I just encouraged the kids to look at the cards for things that interested them and try things. 

Some stuck with fairly simple things.  Others excelled.  All seemed to enjoy showing others what they were doing.

I hope this helps.

Have a great day,
