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Is it possible to have private sharing site?

« Teaching with Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
PK Shiu

I think this was discussed during the scratch conf 2008. For very young children (US Grade 1-3) it may not be desirable for them to go onto the global scratch site immediately. Is there a way for a school to "host" a small sharing site so that young students in a Scratch club can share amongst themselves and their teachers, but not with the global site?




PK Shiu

Thanks Karen for the quick reply. I guess I didn't dig deep enough on the forums ! sorry about that.

ScratchR seems like the thing to do. I'll try and report back. I just got the go ahead at our school

to start the club, very excited. (Park Street School -- only one T stop south of you guys).




Karen Brennan

Hi P.K.,

You might want to check out -- which discusses this issue...
