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Looking to Hire Scratch Educator in NYC

« Teaching with Scratch
1 reply [Last post]
Meredith Summs

Hello Scratch Community!

My organization, MOUSE (, has  a team of 4 amazing high school students who want to prototype a video game they've been designing - called "immigration-ville" (see the link at the bottom of this post for their prototype video).  

We'd like to hire a Scratch-pro ASAP to coach them on the tech-basics of simple video game design.

S/he must be available to meet with the students for at least 3 two-hour lessons, after school from 4:30 - 6:30pm, between May and June 15th. Compensation will be $35/hr for 7 hours minimum.

Please email me at if you are interested. Job & project description here (with a video from the students!):

Please forward to anyone you think might be available! 

Karen Brennan

Hi Meredith,

I hope you got some replies to this. There are several great Scratch educators in the NYC area!
