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new comprehensive resources

« Teaching with Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
Roberto Catanuto

hello, i will use scratch in the next school year and i'd like to choose carefully the resource to get people introduced to the tool;


i feel very comfortable with even because they send a dvd for free to use in the lab and that resource is very low-floor to high-ceiling


are you aware of other similar documents?

they should have a comparable wide approach, not necessarily tailored to one specific topic;

especially if they can be used off-line (books or dvd's) since i haven't internet connection easily at school


thank you in advance

Jean-Jacques Valliet




That's the best website I have ever seen, the best reference, the reference.


Every body should have to study seriously and closely.


First : the class management is remarkable

Second : the step by step approach of Scratch is made with a very clever manner.

( Difficult for me to write in english)


You are right

Stamati Crook

We have a (less comprehensive) offering at which is being used in some primary schools here in Sussex, UK. There is a lesson plan with videos and resources and you can download the website (well an older version) from