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New Year, New Classes

« Teaching with Scratch
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Rebecca Jones
I am starting the new year in Australia with new classes (but same students) so I need to end my current classes and place students into new classes.  
I don't, however, want to close any of the student accounts and I don't want the students to lose any of their work of which they are so proud. 
Can someone advise how best to do this?  From what I understand if I close the current classes, the students lose their work.....  Any teachers out there able to help me with this??
Alexa Kutler
Hi Rebecca!

This is a great question, and quite a tricky one!

If you close a current class, the studio itself will still be visible on Scratch, but the students will no longer be able to log into their previous accounts. When students make new accounts for the new classroom, it is possible for them to then remix their old projects and save them onto their new class studio, it will just take some time to 'transfer' the files from the old studio into the new one. 

Here is the info from the teacher FAQ, if you haven't seen it:

What happens when I "end" my class?
When you end a class, your class profile page will be hidden and your students will no longer be able to log in (but their projects and the class studios will still be visible on the site). You may re-open the class at any time.

I'd also recommend hopping onto the Teaching with Scratch Facebook group, an extension of the ScratchEd discussion boards, to gather insight from more educators about the topic. 

I hope this is helpful!
