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Plans for September?

« Teaching with Scratch
4 replies [Last post]
Karen Brennan

The school year is starting up again. How will you be working with Scratch?

Stamati Crook

It is September - why not try our Scratch lesson plan this term ?

Laurie Cohen

Hello all Scratch users. I just learned Scratch (briefly) at NECC09, and I need to teach it to my students. They are in high school, but this will be there first exposure to programming of any type, so I think it'll be fun.

Does anyone have a curriculum that I could follow to help the students learn it step by step, and not just "make it work", but learn some of the why's and terminology?

Or suggestions for which projects I should teach/have them learn first, second, etc.

All suggestions are welcome!



Karen Brennan

Hi Laurie,

I replied to this on the new thread...



Flavia Dyer

I'm looking forward for my students (1st .through 6th grade) to show up.  Now that they and  I are more familiar with Scratch after working with it for two years , I want to introduce new concepts that I know they will understand and apply in no time.  I've installed the new Scratch 1.4 during the summer, so they will be excited to see the new feautures.


Good luck to everyone and may you accomplish all your goals for the school year 2009-2010.