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Problems and Concerns with Personal Identifiable Information

« Teaching with Scratch
2 replies [Last post]
m m

I am trying to get my students to be able to sign up and use Scratch. Our school and district is big on this PII concerns. Does anyone else have these issues with their school or district? If so how were you able to overcome them? Also, how does Scratch respond to this issue? Without having an account the students will miss out on the ability to remix and request comments on their projects. It also will not allow them to submit questions if they have a problem. If any of you have an idea on how I can try to ease the concerns of our district over these concerns I would truly appreciate it. THANKS 

m m

thanks so much. i have not had much luck with getting parents to create an account, so I am going to create a class login and change the password everytime they leave. I have gotten one of my teachers on board with working with scratch, and I have another after the break. A few more have said that they would like to after state testing which does not leave much time left but it is something. Everything revolves around the state test now because of the high stakes involved for the teachers here :( 

Karen Brennan

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