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Project to develop OER "book" of Scratch + LEGO WeDo lessons

« Teaching with Scratch
1 reply [Last post]
F. Gress
Hello Fellow Scratchers & LEGO Fans,

I'm writing to let you know about something that you may want to participate in or contribute to.

A group of folks over in the LEGO Education Community forums started talking about creating a set of lessons that would teach Scratch programming and LEGO WeDo mechanics together, at an introductory level but with progressively increasing complexity. The current thought is to create an "Open Education Resource" in the form of a PDF book that can be freely downloaded. It will ultimately be open for further development, translation, and repurposing (to become an e-book, flex-book, online course, etc) under a Creative Commons license.

If this project interests you, please take a look at the discussion so far.
[] (you may need to create account on this site)

If you decide you would like to participate in creating the content for the book/lessons, please message me in order to be included in the Google Group where we are organizing ourselves.

If you know of any similar initiatives, or have participated in something like this before and could offer any general insights into the process, please do inform me.

~ Ms. G
Wilhelmina Peragine
Thanks for sharing info about this initiative, Ms. G!
