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Social Studies - Humanities

« Teaching with Scratch
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Lilli Meloche
Hello Teachers!

I am looking for a class of students that will collaborate with my class.   We are in Calgary, Canada and would like to do a cultural project with a class of any grade 1 to 12.   We are looking for a class that is in a different country than ours, or that are in eastern Canada (as this is a valuable difference as well).

I have collaborated with classrooms around the world before and found it to be an amazing experience for all involved.  This project will be simple.  The project for my grade 5 students will have this is our  guiding question  'What makes us Canadian?"  and the international class would do the same for thier country.  Students in the class would create Scratch projects about significant historical events, people that have had an impact on their country, key ideas...  whtever is in your curriculum.

If you are in grade 4 to 12, each student could make a project.  Younger grades may make a project together as a class.

A really exciting part is that we would share a Scratch Studio.  The students would communicate to each other through their projects and through comments.   Knowing that there is a groups of studetns from another part of the world that they are working with is tremendously exciting for the students.  They love to show off their own countries.  They also love to make Scratch projects!    

If you understand what I am trying to put together,  please comment - send a message -  on my Scratch account:   'lgmeloche' .  

Hope to work with you soon!!!!
Lilli Meloche