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Teacher control...

« Teaching with Scratch
3 replies [Last post]
Karen Merjave
Hello all,
I was wondering if the powers that be at Scratch could allow teachers to have more control over the accounts they create?  My reason for this is because I have students that try to push the limits and do things that they are not supposed to do, such as make silly and sometimes inappropriate comments.  I would like to be able to suspend their accounts, but Scratch doesn't allow that function.  Also, I cannot seem to find where the comments can be turned off for particular students or a particular class.  If Scratch could allow teachers to have more control over the accounts they create it would make for a better scratch community for the students.  

Thank you,
Karen Merjave
PS/IS 119Q
Rick Bush
In terms of control, you can always change their password to something that they don't know if you're the one that created the account.  This won't stop them from creating a new account on their own or just playing games.  
Just a suggestion. 
Alexa Kutler
Great suggestion, Rick :)!
Alexa Kutler
Hi Karen,

Thank you for your feedback. We will pass this along to the folks on the MIT Scratch Team who are in charge of the Teacher Accounts! In the meantime, you can manually remove any inappropriate comments left by students. 

I hope this is helpful!

Alexa, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team