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Creative Computing Guide: REMIXED!

A remixed guide, courtesy of Scratch educator, Dylan Ryder, and an invitation to share your remixed guides.
Since the ScratchEd team published the Creative Computing Guide in 2014, the guide has been downloaded 99,177 times and used in wide range of settings (classrooms, clubs, museums, libraries, and more) and with a variety of learners (K-12, college, and beyond).

The guide was released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, meaning that anyone is free to use, change, and share the work, as long as they provide appropriate attribution and give others access to any derivative works.

In the guide, we say:
"We encourage you to use as much or as little of the guide as you like, to design new activities, and to remix the included activities. No matter your prior experience or expertise, we think of every educator as a co-designer of the Creative Computing experience. We would love to learn about what you’re doing, so we encourage you to document and share your experiences with us and with other educators."

Dylan Ryder, a 3rd-5th grade Educational Technologist at the School of Columbia, did just that! Check out his aMAZE-ing Remixes below.

Have you remixed the guide? Share your remixed guides in the comments below!


Nilanjan Bhattacharya
How do you modify the pdf of the guide?
Wilhelmina Peragine
Hi Nilanjan, 

The â€‹powerpoint version is pretty easy to modify:

Hope that helps!
Yu-Hsien Fang
Thank you so much for those great teaching materials!

I've translated xy_bug.pdf into Traditional Chinese and remix it as a web version on Scratch-TW.

Insprired by the Remix, I also create a Scratch project on
Please feel free to remix and share it!

And, I will gradually translate all the remix PDFs into TC web version. Scratch on!
Melinda Metz
Thanks so much for this! I'm just starting a coding program at the library, and your maze actuvutues remix was incredibly helpful! Melinda
Wilhelmina Peragine
Thank you so much, Dylan!

These are such inventive and useful remixes, and it's so helpful to have the links to the projects.

You've kicked off a summer of remixing: the more remixes people share, the more resources for the new school year!

Many thanks,
Willa, on behalf of the ScratchEd Team
Dylan Ryder
The Creative Computing Guide has helped me so much in the classroom, creating a common visual language for activities that students can work independently with, AND as an inspiration to be a better educator.

Here's why: The activites contain starter code and then challenge students to try something new on their own. Rather than being fully prescriptive ("do exactly this-and-that-and-this until you you are done"), the activities in the Guide succinctly introduce computing concepts, and then ask students to be creative and try something on their own. "Less us, more them" is a creed more educators push themselves to adhere to. It's hard for us to let go as teachers, but you'll help your students in the end.

I use the activities in the Guide and now make many of my own guide remixes for new activities. Remix the guide!

Here are a few others that I have made: