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CSEdWeek 2010 | Day 4: A WiSE Dance Party

For Day 4 of CSEd Week, we are presenting a video of a workshop held last week for the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) program at MIT. A group of 12 high school students and 9 undergraduate mentors worked in pairs to create a dance party in Scratch.

As you can see, we divided the workshop into parts, modeled after the "Workshop Design Guide":

  • Introduction - We tried to create a fun atmosphere for the girls by playing music while they entered and doing a dance-themed ice-breaker.
  • Design - We designed the workshop around the theme of "dance party". We introduced Scratch and modeled a pass-it-on activity -- showing them how to animate sprites, import a song, take their picture, and draw a background.
  • Interests - The girls then worked hands-on with Scratch and designed their own dance party.
  • Collaboration - We had them work in pairs and used the pass-it-on activity to enable them to interact with different groups.
  • Reflection - We gave the girls FlipCams as a way for them to show and explain their projects to one another. They also asked each other questions about the activity.


These girls totally rocked it out in Scratch.