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The development of a virtual learning platform for teaching concurrent programming languages in the Secondary Education: The use of Open Sim and Scratch4OS

The present case study introduces the utilization of two well-known technologically advanced environments in a computer laboratory of a Greek High School and highlights the growing challenges and affordances that users (students and instructors) face after its utilization. In these circumstances it was created a mind-trap puzzle game in a virtual learning platform that emanated from the conjunction of the three-dimensional (3D) virtual world of Open Sim and the two-dimensional (2D) Scratch4OS visual programming environment. Nowadays VWs recognized as the most well-known candidate platforms for implementing users several collaborative scenarios in different disciplines of the Higher education; however a research about their effect in the Secondary education is still infrequent. The main purpose of this study is to utilize the above environments as a unique platform to learn students concurrent and visual programming commands. The paper tabulates not only with a summary of some problems and challenges that existed during the learning procedure, but also with some instructional implications that the increasing role of this platform can establish. Concluding remarks on students’ opinions and experiences briefly encoded some other interesting issues which also ascertained.