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European eLearning awards 2009 - Scratch time Club on the TOP50 finalists!

eLearning Awards Jury announces top 50 projects in 2009

The eLearning Awards Jury is proud to unveil the best 50 projects submitted to the 2009 competition. This year the competition has been very tough with more than 700 entries submitted and 695 approved, showcasing projects of very high quality. A jury session was organised on 9 November 2009 to select the final winners, who will be offered thousands of euros in cash prizes and brand new ICT equipment. Winners in this year’s ten categories will be announced during the eLearning Awards ceremony on 26 November at the EMINENT Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.

With close to 700 projects submitted in the 2009 competition, the eLearning Awards Jury complimented on the overall high quality of this year's entries. "The 50 shortlisted and 10 winning projects are quite a remarkable selection with some very innovative ideas. We learned and discovered a lot from the projects this year. And not only 10 or 50, but all the projects can be regarded as winners, as they won hearts and minds of students, which is most important in education, including its rapidly growing eLearning branch!". The Jury also pleaded to encourage initiatives fostering international collaboration through ICT, which is emerging as a growing trend.

Click here to see the shortlisted top 50 projects. 

(Click here to see the summary and link of Scratch time  club project)

Teresa Marques

Thanks!!!! The kids are so so happy....

Ashley Lee

congratulations! your project looks fantastic!

Karen Brennan

Congratulations, Teresa! That's so exciting!