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First Hour of Code

        I was so excited about taking on this challenge to do a Hour of Code project at my School. I started out by sending out a flyer to my 4th, 5th, and 6th grade teachers. I only had ten slots open for the week because the lab is closed for classes. Two fourth grade teachers, two fifth grade teachers and one sixth grade teacher responded. I sent them information on how the class would be structured. I also encouraged them to make a card in scratch. 
       On scratch day I started my Hour of Code and soon started to understand the challenge I had taken on. I started with President Obama's speech and scratch video. I ended up teaching 7 classes Monday(No Breaks.) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I taught 6 classes (1 Break.) I was so exhusted but so excited about the responses I was getting from my teachers.
       Next year I hope to fill all ten spots and train one or more of my teachers how to teach a HOC class.