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Home-made Controller Gloves

 To celebrate Scratch Day 2014 on 17th May I've planned a week of lunchtime sessions using Scratch. Games are always popular and I've got lots of worksheets to make simple games which use the up/down, left/right arrows etc. I thought I'd add an extra bit of fun by making some controller gloves. I took an old pair of (woollen) gloves and hot-glued lines of tin foil to the fingers. The thumb is the Earth and when the fingers are pressed to the thumb the on-screen character moves or jumps as programmed. 
I discovered during the making of the gloves that the tin foil was a bit tricky and broke quite easily. I was concerned that any rough handling might damage it. Also, the material stretches so it's quite tricky to get the gloves on/off without damaging the foil. So my next idea was to use conductive material and thread. On each finger I sewed a patch of material then sewed a line down the back of the finger to another small tab of material where the crocodile clip could be attached.
Both versions of the gloves worked well but we discovered that the user's own hands were reacting with the conductive thread to make the on-screen character behave erratically!!
My Year 8 prototyper suggested that we need another pair of gloves inside to keep skin and thread apart. 
We agreed that as a proof of concept they were fine but we need to do some more work!

Elena Gallucci
Great! :-)

Italian Scratch Day 2012, Turin.
My "school-made" glooves for special needs.

Here the link to the video:
Sue Gray
Molto interessante Elena!
I'm working on the next version of the gloves - I'd like to use them with a Raspberry Pi now.
Good luck with yours
Sue Gray
 Thank you Mitch and Margaret, you're both very kind. Bless you Susan for imagining that I'm organised enough to do worksheets! I'll post something just as soon as I get version 3 of the gloves up and running - sometime this week hopefully.
Susan Ettenheim
 Sue, great projects! Could we use your worksheets?
Mitch Resnick
Nice project. I like how you explain your interative process -- first attaching tin foil, then sewing in conductive material, and still needing to continue to experiment and iterate in the future. A great example of the "creative learning spiral". 
Margaret Low
 Hi Sue, love the gloves.  
Sue Gray