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A Hour of Code workshop Using Scratch


We are the Scratch-TW Group. Scratch-TW aims to be an educational nonprofitable organization in Taiwan. Our mission is to gather latest Scratch-related resources (i.e., Scratch projects, Scratch learning materials, Scratch educator guides and etc.), translate them into Traditional Chinese (TC), and make them more accessible to Taiwan learners, teachers and parents.

On 2106/12/10, we lead a Hour-of-Code (HOC) workshop in Taipei, Taiwan.
We held the event from 14:00 to 16:00. 
11 groups of parent and children have joined in the event with us.
It's a free, fun, chaos and edictional activity.

So, here we share our resources with all of you. Please feel free to remix and share all of them.
The Langage is traditional Chinese.
Scratch on!
